"Hogwarts' Spring Fetsive" - Johana's 17th

Client: Johana Tania
Place: Harris Hotel Gubeng Surabaya
Date: 25th May 2019

Hogwarts - Johana's 17th by Jetset EO Surabaya

"Welcome to Hogwarts, a magical and magic school in magical land, where magic and greatness and curiosity met.. This year's on Hogwarts' Spring Festive, we would like to greet our homecoming queen: Johana Tania! It is her birthday, her sweet seventeenth birthday! So lets celebrate together!"

Inilah sepenggal kisah ulang tahun ketujuhbelas atau sweet seventeenth birthday dari Johana Tania. Bertemakan festival musim semi di Hogwarts, di-manage oleh Jetset Event Organizer Surabaya, para undangan diberikan jubah panjang khas dunia sihir sebagai suvenir (dan wajib dikenakan selama malam itu). Memasuki ruangan ballroom Harris Hotel Gubeng Surabaya, suasana semakin terasa seperti di dalam aula utama Hogwarts berkat dekorasi "ajaib" dari Fantastic Balloon Decoration. Lalu kemudian, masuklah ratu musim semi (the homecoming queen) tahun ini yaitu Johana sendiri!

Dipandu oleh dua orang alumni Hogwarts: MC Denoz dan MC Adi Michin, acara malam itu berlangsung dengan sangat meriah. Kehadiran undangan 99%, sehingga ruangan penuh terisi sesuai ekspektasi. Di akhir acara, penampilan puncak dari Johana dan tim dari Oracle Production, yang kemudian ditutup oleh after party by DJ Tripleks yang sangat petjahhh abiezz..!!

Simak bagaimana serunya acara Hogwarts' Spring Festive - Johana's 17th, foto-foto, dan daftar vendor, dengan klik link "Selengkapnya.." di bawah ini.

Hogwarts - Johana's 17th by Jetset EO Surabaya

Hogwarts - Johana's 17th by Jetset EO Surabaya

Hogwarts - Johana's 17th by Jetset EO Surabaya

Hogwarts - Johana's 17th by Jetset EO Surabaya

Hogwarts - Johana's 17th by Jetset EO Surabaya

Hogwarts - Johana's 17th by Jetset EO Surabaya

Hogwarts - Johana's 17th by Jetset EO Surabaya

Hogwarts - Johana's 17th by Jetset EO Surabaya

Hogwarts - Johana's 17th by Jetset EO Surabaya

Many thanks to our great vendors: Harris Hotel Gubeng Surabaya, Fantastic Decoration, MC Denoz, MC Adi Michin, DJ Tripleks, Station One Lighting, Its Cake, Cyndy by Rio Motret Photography, City One Journal Video, make up by Kunsoo, gown by Lina Woentono, and arranged by Jetset Event Organizer.